Thursday, October 29, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

Another exciting evening with the girls this past Monday!  I love holidays and making the most of them.
So over the past few weeks we have been getting ready for Halloween.  Last week we decorated masks, so the girls could were them on the 31st if they wanted, seeing that after the age of 13 they do not have the availablitiy to get a costume while they are in a group home.
This past Monday we carved pumpkins.  What an ooie gooie mess that was but a great time getting our hands dirty carving pumpkins.  While the seeds were baking we were carving.  Scary scenes, funny faces, one sided, oh wait some are two faced :-)  But the overall experience was enjoyable. 
Don't they look great?!

Do you have a favorite holiday tradition for Thanksgiving you would like to share?  How about Christmas? I would love to hear some and possibly use them with the girls.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Meeting the needs

One thing I like about what I do is the part where a need is connected with an answer. 
At the group home I meet at every week, 2 other volunteers have been coming to help with a need.
At first it was to help a young lady getting ready to turn 18 with a reading level of 4th grade.  This volunteer came and tutored this young lady until she went home.  Did that mean she stoppred coiming? Not at all, in fact she enjoyed coming so much that she helped with creative ideas of what to do when we are there every week.
recently, this volunteers' teaching skills and passions have been requested again by 2 new girls who have moved into the house.  The girls are excited to get help in the subjects they are struggling in and the teacher is excited because she is working with her passion.  It is a win win situation!!!

Do you have a skill you are passionate about and would like to share with a young person?
It is possible and I can help you get connected!  Just ask me how!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Is She Here Yet?

This past Monday, I was going to the same group home that I have been going to for over 2 years now. The girls have changed several times, as they age out of the system or get moved to a different house, or they leave.

But this Monday, I was reminded that my visits are important to those who are in the house.
They don't care what we do they just like that I come. It is something they can count on.

On this Monday, I arrive at the house a minute late and I ring the doorbell. On the other side I hear, "Shevaun is that you?", then "she's here" in anticipation.
As the door opens and I go thru the formalities of signing in, the girls share with me that "Sally" has been waiting and looking out the window waiting for me to arrive.
They have been waiting! They have no idea what we will be doing, but they are waiting.
Waiting for someone who cares for them. Who is there. "Sally" has only been in the house for 3 weeks and she already knows that I will be there!

These young people need more of us to stand up and just be there. We don't have to have all the answers, we just need to be there. Will you be one who can be there?

Want more information on how you can make a difference in a young persons life? contact me at

Night on the Town

This week I had the opportunity to celebrate a birthday with a young lady from the group homes.
When I picked her up, I asked where she wanted to go. Her comment was, "I want spaghetti and meatballs". So the decision was made to go to the Old Spaghetti Factory. It was yummy and she got her spaghetti and meatballs, plus the salad and bread and of course the spumoni for dessert. She also learned where spaghetti came from, from a spaghetti tree all the way from Napoli, Italy. :-)
After dinner we headed over to Crackerjax for miniature golf and most importantly, go karts!
We had a great time celebrating her birthday, which was 2 months before.

The birthday plans may have been delayed, but that didn't matter to this young lady. what mattered is that I didn't forget what I said I would do and we went out to celebrate.

I am into the building of memories, that hopefully will stay with the young people I work with over the years. Memories that will remind them that people do care and not all of our life stinks!

This is why I do what I do!!!